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Part of UoA 10

Combined evidence that shows software tools are widely used. Stan user forum, post, published 2020/12/22. Last accessed 2021/01/25.

CRAN download statistics, R command sum(cranlogs::cran_downloads(package = c("rstan","rjags","nimble","R2WinBUGS","R2OpenBUGS", "BRugs"), from = "2013-08-01", to = "2020-12-13")$count). Last accessed 2021/01/25.

Item · June 2014
Part of UoA 10

CQC report “Special measures: one year on” on hospitals flagged as high mortality that were put into special measures and what improvements they made. Mortality rates are shown in Table 2 on page 12, which also shows the HSMRs from Dr Foster.

Care Quality Commission
[C] Accelrys About Us
Item · 18/2/2014
Part of UoA 9

Web Archive screencapture of Accelrys About Us page from 18/2/2014
